My Blog List

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Rest of The Story


This a continuation from my last blog and to get you up to speed on what is happening now.

Once I lost that weight I went off of Nutrisystem. I did not try to stay on any kind of diet. I just stopped doing everything. I was so tired of dieting, working out and having to watch every single thing I did. This was bad. Over the next few years I put the weight back on a little at a time. I would go on another diet then off the diet and I would always gain back what I lost and just a little more. I got married, had a baby and still kept gaining. Diet, gain, diet, gain. It was terrible. I tried anything and everything. I never did try Nutrisystem again. I took pills that were supposed to help your metabolism but in the end they all did the opposite. I could not loose weight with out them. I finally gave up. I could not take the yo yo diet anymore. I told myself I was just meant to be this way.

I went on with my life and for years I did not diet. I got so big I could not stand to look at myself. I did not want to go out with friends or be around family, where you always felt people were judging you. I started chatting on line and met some very nice people. I never told them I was fat. I figured they wouldn't want to talk to me. I had such low self esteem, yet I still had no desire to loose the weight.

Then it happened. I woke up one day and looked at myself in the mirror. I hated what I saw. I decided that this was it I had to do something. I did not want to be like this. This was my last chance. I started watching what I ate on my own. I cut out the sugar and just ate good meals. I knew how to eat right, after all I had been dieting my whole life. After 2 weeks I had lost 15 lbs. I knew if I did not join some kind of weight loss group or get help I would never stay on it by myself. The third week was always the week I gave up. I went on line and signed up for the one and only program that had ever worked for me. I joined Nutrisystem. I also started doing some deep soul searching.

I found that my whole life I had been trying to please other people, taking care of other people. I never thought about myself or what I needed. Now was the time. It was time for me to think about myself and what I needed in life. I waited far to long to do this and I hope by me writing this blog others will not wait so long. To date I have lost 64lbs. I am still on my journey and I am going to take you with me. I will be changing my life and I hope to bring you along for the ride. See you tomorrow and have a great day!


  1. Just visited before endorsing on Empire Avenue.
    Congratulations on getting started on your blog Tess.

    I am lucky that my weight is Ok but I would be inspired by your writing if I needed to shed some pounds.

    I am sure that other readers will be motivated by your story.

    Keep going with the blog. You will help many people.

  2. Like Peter I too am from over at EA!

    I'm so happy you've decided to blog your way to fitness! :)

    Sharing your story with others will really help you (I know it helps me too).

    You might also want to check out - It is kind of like keeping an online fitness journal. Not so much a blog as a list of what exercise you did at what time and how you felt about it. Others can send you encouragement or suggestions... Sort of like facebook for fitness. I'm a member over there and I can tell you from experience the people are super friendly and non-judgmental... I have people who run 9 miles a day or Cycle for 25K and then tell me how great I'm doing for starting out with my 1 mile bike ride!

    It is good to stay accountable to people and draw on their experiences. I'll be checking back often to see how you're doing! Good luck!
